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1. What is the easiest way to find the engine size of a vehicle?
1. What Does Motor Oil Do?
2. What Does The W In Motor Oil Grades Stand For?
3. What Does SAE Stand For?
4. How Many Miles Should You Change Your Oil?
5. What is the majority of Motor Oil made of?
6. What are other types of motor oil? (Multiple Selections)
7. What is Synthetic Oil?
8. What Is Oil Viscosity?
Question 1 of 8
1. What is the first thing you listen for in the One Car In Audit?
2. When is the appropriate time to begin timing the service?
3. What is the purpose of the echo system?
4. Why is it important for the oil changer to go over the value statement?
5. What is the appropriate scenario to conduct a one car in audit?
6. How many miles does the oil changer recommend the customer be back in, depending on the service they received?
7. How long should it take for the Upper Bay Oil Changer to check all the courtesy points?